Immediately, I assumed this was going to be some sappy, over-aggrandized ad for an admirable but normal job like teaching, nursing, or custodian-ing. But then they asked: What if one meeting or operation could make our country a safer place?

Now thoroughly engrossed in this commercial, I anxiously awaited the next query. And it came, and I swear this is true, in the form of: What if your job was so important, you couldn't tell your friends or family what you do? Become a Clandestine Operative for the Central Intelligence Agency...
The fucking C.I.A. is putting out radio ads to recruit spies?! I gotta say that does not make me feel good about the state of our nation's covert affairs. I always thought if I was going to be a spy Al Pacino would find me in a bar or some shit. I at least assumed the manner in which you became part of the world of espionage would at least be a little more, I dunno, espionagey?
Basically, I thought they find you. Now I come to find out they run a few spots on the local morning show, likely in conjunction with several search engine optimized craigslist posts and a full pager in Parade Magazine.
For shame, C.I.A. For shame.
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